Purchased: NYX/RiRi Hearts MAC

Not that I have to reiterate – but the Fall RiRi Hearts MAC Collection debuted last week. I didn’t go batshit nuts over it because I used that up for the iPhone 5S so I decided to saunter in on Friday instead and see if there was anything left over that the fanatics didn’t horde. I usually get all my makeup from either Nordstrom or Sephora but because I was bored on a Friday after work I figured I might as well pop into Funk & Frost and see what was good with NYX as well.

I left with a bronzer/illuminator and a “HD” powder foundation. Oh, and I also left with a fury over the bitchy clerks that resulted in me emailing head office about their insufficient, (and complete lack) of customer service. I tend to have a case of bitchy resting face but I’ve been working on it and feel that I’m pretty good at breaking into an impromptu smile these days. It takes a bit of effort sometime but I definitely had it on while making my purchases (point of purchase is a guaranteed smile sighting for me). Let me tell you that the drone didn’t even utter a word. Not one word. Terrible, I mean, I wouldn’t usually care because I’m not a huge fan of human interaction in the first place, but when you’re visiting a store as a paying customer, and a repeat one at that, if you’re a clerk and you cop attitude it’s a bad f*cking idea. (I’ll ‘keep the unpleasantries to myself). Anyway, I did have a huge smile on my face while writing my letter of complaint so I’m still going to go ahead and say the experience was worth it.

Check out the goods:




1. NYX HD Powder Foundation – Claims to be oil free, water and sweat resistant and silky on the skin so I figured I’d try it. Oh and I’ll take this chance to claim that I do not sweat, I glow, and sometimes glimmer.

2. NYX Illuminating Bronzer – I’ve raved on a couple different illuminators in previous posts (Stila & Benefit specifically) because I love a good highlight and contour. My MAC Mineralize Skinfinish has another few weeks left so I wanted to try a couple products and see if it could be replaced. I picked the lightest shade in this product – Narcissistic (oh how fitting) because it had the most shimmer without the really bronze-y look. Also, my skin is more of a warm beige tone and I feel that sometime all I need is a shimmer and not too much of a bronze-y finish.

3. RiRi Hearts MAC Lipstick in Who’s That Chick – I was pretty psyched this was available because it’s one of the colors that caught my big philandering eyes. I haven’t had a shade like it for a while and it’s perfect for the Fall palette.  I tried it on top of some shades I have and it has a really nice golden shimmer – can’t wait to wear it with my Stila kitten shadow and highlighters. Golden.

Style Muse: Jamie Chung

Jamie Chung is one of my style muses because she always looks trendy yet not too overdone. One of my favorite looks is casual chic and she pulls it off so well. Pair that with her classic exotic looks and gracious personality and you have a mega babe with to die for style.

Check out some of her looks.










J’Adore: Autumn

Golden leaves falling, rainy weekends spent indoors by the fire, pumpkin muffins, lattes, spice and carving, crisp air and scenic drives, and infinity scarves, stockings and booties, and thick chunky sweaters – one of my favorite times of the year is here (after Christmas that is – obviously).


Aside from the rain (which I only like when I’m encased in a plush onesie indoors (and sometimes outdoors) Fall has a certain coziness and warmth about it. I love September and October because everything’s fresh, my favorite shows are back from hiatus, boots are still shiny, and the excitement is still there after breaking into the Fall wardrobe.

Come November, although Christmas shopping is on the horizon, I’m getting annoyed with the constant rainfall and the umbrellas being turned into skeletal frames, my hair getting misted and resulting in disarray, and I’m dreaming of a poolside Margarita in Vegas or better yet – somewhere tropical. Hence, why I like to get most of my Autumn love in during the earlier months when I haven’t gotten bored to shit of it yet.


Fall is definitely a slippery slope when it comes to sugar consumption. Could be partly due to staying indoors and cozying up to the TV, partly due to the $4 boxes of 315606598 chocolates available at Fred Meyer or the much to common thinking that your bod will be hibernating under layers for the next 3-5 months (stylish ones but layers nonetheless).

I’m not participating in this nonsense this year. Sure enough the time will come on the eve of Halloween when I contemplate throwing a sheet on and going door to door for candy (that or grabbing whatever kid I have available in my family to extort), but the remaining days I’m sticking to my routine of clean eating with the weekly cheat day. I also find it’s way easier to keep up my 5 day/week workouts as it’s pretty crappy in terms of weather and when you know you’ll be sniffing out and hoarding all the Halloween candy at work with the seriousness of a Grizzly bear storing it’s food for hibernation (as well as whatever home made baked goods co-workers put in front of you) that 45 minute HIIT session doesn’t look so bad.

My advice – and the advice my mom has drilled into my brain for forever – if you’re planning on eating, then you better be planning on working out. Don’t give up one for the other – especially during this season. You don’t want to miss out on the culinary goodness Fall has to bring – especially the Pumpkin Cheesecake, so get in your workouts (double up if you have to) and the reason you have to be wearing tons of layers is because it’s hot right now, not because you’re keeping your food belly warm.


Speaking of layers, I’ve come to the comfortable point of doubling up shirts and sweaters onto single hangers. Unhealthy? Yes. Ashamed? No. Okay yes. But at least I’m fully prepared for pretty much any occasion. So yes, I’ve added to my Fall wardrobe recently. Lots of chunky knits and boyfriend cardigans, flannel and denim button downs. Leather jackets with soft scarves and hoodies, detailed booties and low down Chucks. I’m definitely going to still rock the wedges and stilettos but with matte tights and knits instead of tanks and bare minis. I’ll post on what’s in my wardrobe this Fall/Winter sooner than later but In the meantime, I shall make like a squirrel (or a hoarder) and store. I mean, it’s only natural.



Friday Favorites

Here are my few of my FAVORITE things from this week.

Enjoy xoxo


Houndstooth & Gingham at Balmain. Angelic and innocent yet edgy. One of my favorite looks ever. All white all day long.



I have this on my face as I type. Amazing. I shit you not. Go buy it. I’ll literally can’t stop stroking my face afterwards. Definitely worth it.



I believe that books are the path to an open mind. Fully and wholeheartedly. Read all the books you can absorb, they’re wonderful and if you can’t afford to travel, don’t have the ability to be 10 different people at once, or fearlessly chase down each doubt and each trepidation – read. It’s one of the most fulfilling blessings available. Really.



I love big hair, dark eyes and neutral lips. If I could wear it to work everyday I would. Ok I do. Life is too short. Oh yeah, and your best bet at working this into a daytime look would be to smile. Just like this gem down here.



Oh yes. I am fully aware that I’m a victim. I’ve embraced it and let me tell you that I think I’m a f*cking boss with my fingerprint scanner. Boss.



I just purchased this lovely soft vanilla perfume from Lush today. I really like smells that are unique and Lush always carries scents that challenge your senses. This is one of them. I’m not a huge fan of vanilla but this fragrance is softer and dare I say it? Tangier. Really nice.



I remind myself every time I have a negative thought, or morph into Jesse Pinkman during my morning commute that life is too short. A slow driver, a spilled coffee, month end at work, and less than acceptable treatment from a store clerk mean nothing in the big picture. At least we get to experience these things. Roll with it.



No this is not my bed. Yes my bed has a very similar vibe, thread count and cozy factor. I plan on spending the better part of this gloomy weekend in it and I have absolutely no scruples. The perfect weekend to me is uninterrupted Netflix, a couple of good workouts, gluten free waffles and ginger tea, and a plush bed. I’ve set the scene.



The boots, the sweater, the eyes, the setting – everything about this gives me tingles. Countless musings on whats brimming in her mind. I mean, it’s really quite obvious that this is a designedly posed photo in a fashion shoot but don’t kill my vibe.
